Wednesday, May 27, 2015

My Son Sent Me Blue Jays From Heaven More Than Once

He sent me Blue Jays 

The evening of his passing I was overcome with emotion. As I sat sobbing, I suddenly had and overwhelming feeling. I sensed Steve close by. I didn't see him. I didn't hear him. I felt his presence. I felt him telling me he is okay. I became calm, serene, at peace. I knew instantly that wherever his spirit was, he was okay. When he sent me blue Jays I knew he was okay. 

One of the things I always loved about being at Steve's house was watching the birds at the feeders in his back yard, especially the Blue Jays. During the days following the accident, I sent spiritual, mental, prayerful messages to him. "Send me a Blue Jay  Steve." 

The morning of his funeral I was looking out my bedroom window, preparing myself for the hours about to come. Suddenly, two Blue Jays sat on a branch on the tree outside my window. I knew he had sent them and I whispered a thank you and sent him my love. 

There have been no Blue Jays or any birds in that tree since that morning. 

I know he is somewhere beyond this life. I know he surrounds me with love. I also know I miss him on this earthly adventure, but I still feel his presence. 

Look for signs from those loved ones who have passed on. I believe they are in contact with us in many ways. Maybe a loved one will send you a bluebird, help you find a lost item, lightly brush your shoulder or kiss you gently on the cheek. 

Our loved ones don't leave us forever. They are waiting for us somewhere in time 

After hearing me tell about the blue jays One of my granddaughters said, "I'm going to ask Uncle Steve to send me some too." She was 9 at the time.
In the fall, she called me from Gainesville where she and her mom, one of my daughters, had been to a Gator game. Steve had gone to the U of FL and had been a loyal Gator fan.
"Guess what Grandma!" Her voice was excited. "Uncle Steve had two blue jays fly in front of us at half-time."
I know, I'm probably going out on a limb, no pun intended, on this but how often do blue jays fly down in front of the crowd, during half-time??
The next incident happened to one of my other daughters, I have 4, who is a major skeptic.
It was close to a year after Steve's death--the family was together for the 1st Annual Steve McCauley Memorial Golf Tournament to raise money for students in need at the local high school.
My daughter was sitting in his office putting together a CD to play at the 'tee--off' cocktail party the night before the tournament.
I get another phone call. "Mom, you aren't going to believe this. Oh wait a minute, I'm talking to you. You will believe it."
"Believe what I asked?"
"I'm sitting in Steve's office, trying to decide which songs I want to put on the CD when I looked out the window. Guess what was sitting on the mailbox!
I didn't have to guess. I knew.
"Mom!"--She was nearly shouting--"it was a bluebird". A bluebird," she repeated.
It's now four years later and I still send mental messages to Steve. It eases the loss for me to think he hears me.
This morning I was waiting to pick up his wife at the car dealer service center. I was parked under an overhang by the showroom. A Blue Jay fluttered in front of my car, perched on one of those round, cigarette ashtrays, twirled around a little bit, then facing me, he flapped his wings and flew directly over my car.

And my friends, you can call me sentimental, or a reaching for straws, want to believe, over the hill mom and grandma, but I know those birds flying by us were no coincidence. And that's why I believe in life after death. And I know Steve is there, somewhere helping blue jays find their way to let us know there is life after death.

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